Regular Price $497
Regular Price $497
The Ultimate Masterclass for Trading Credit Spreads

What You Will Learn...
Over the past 15 years Credit Spreads have become one of the favorite strategy of options traders. This combination strategy is ideal for sideways markets and trending markets alike. Predefined max risk and max reward make this an easy strategy to adapt.
How Credit Spreads Work
Everything you need to understand how and why credit spreads work. This is the fastest way to master this compound strategy.
How to Pick Candidates
Not all stocks are ideal candidates for credit spreads. Learn the type of stocks that work best for this strategy.
Trade Analysis
Refine your timing and execution by applying world class analysis to your trade. Discover how easy it is to trade with confidence once you know your trade analysis is rock solid.
Precise Option Selection
Never wonder again... you will learn the exact options to buy and sell. Know the strike price, and month to expiration, so you can trade with certainty and ease.
Watch a Preview
Here's What You Are Going To Get
Everything you need to get started trading Credit Spreads is included in this course. When you enroll you will have access to all of these features.
Complete Credit Spreads Training Course
The entire Credit Spreads training course, both live and on-demand in the Trade Maestro Membership area. You will have access to all lessons and recordings, as well as PDFs, cheat sheets, and slideshows. Everything you need to learn and understand trading with credit spreads.
Approximately 5 Hours of LIVE TRAINING*
You will get access to the LIVE ZOOM MEETING with direct access to the instructor for the entire series. This series is approximately 5 hours in duration and will be taught over 2 evenings. (*NOTE: live class is only available for the May 2023 teaching, or until the next live session is taught)
Recordings of All Sessions
Every session of the training is recorded and posted in the membership area. You have unlimited access to these recordings, so you can revisit and review key sections of the training whenever you like. This enables you to focus on specific areas that need more attention and fine-tune your skills in order to achieve mastery.
List of top 25 Stocks that work great with Credit Spreads
Knowing how to execute a trading strategy is not enough. Choosing the right stocks is equally critical. That's why we've got a list of 25 stocks that work well with Credit spreads. With this killer watchlist, you can track ideal trade candidates and make informed decisions like a pro!
Credit Spreads Trade Execution Checklist
Worried about executing a trade improperly? Fear not! We've developed a step-by-step checklist for entering and exiting both bull put spreads and bear call spreads. The checklist guides you through selecting the right option, which month to trade, and the correct option sequence for buying and selling, as well as outlining the steps for exiting the trade. Yes, you've got this!
Download link for all slides in the presentations
You can easily reference the discussed topics as you have access to the PDF download of each slide show. That way, you can always review and look back at any important points that were covered at a later time.
Who is this course for?
We get it, this course isn't for everyone. But don't worry - we're committed to making sure you get the most out of it if you're our ideal candidate. So let's make ensure this course is a perfect fit for you!
If you like the idea of trading stock options with strategies that you can execute once and walk away for a week or two while it "does it's thing" so you can have a life, and you can have a high probability of winning with relatively low risk and low stress... The Credit Spread Strategy is for you... and the absolute best way to learn how to trade Credit Spreads is with this course.
Regular Price: $497
This course is available FREE exclusively to Trade Maestro Members

Credit Spread Faqs
This course is not available for individual sale, it is only included with a monthly Maestro Membership. Join now to be a Maestro Member and enjoy all of the benefits of membership including weekly Sunday night Profit Picks, where we look at the market, do analysis of the trends and prepare for the week ahead; twice monthly LIVE group coaching; access to the Maestro Trading video library, and more. Join today and start enjoying the benefits. Cancel anytime if you are not happy with your membership.
Yes. When you become a Maestro Member you can decide on a monthly basis if you wish to renew your membership. While the renewal is automatic, you may choose to cancel at any time. Become a member today to start enjoying your benefits.
Maybe. It depends on what you consider a small trading account. At a minimum you will want to have at least $2,000 in your trading account. It is much better to have $5,000-$10,000 in your account for a strategy like Credit Spreads. Are these small accounts? By most standards yes. A $5,000 trading account is not considered a large account. When you are learning to execute credit spreads for the first time, we consider a "small" $5,000-10,000 account a great size to get started with. However there is no limit to how large you may scale your account. You may choose to trade much larger account sizes if you prefer.
YES! (well we think so!) If you are absolutely brand new to trading, Credit Spreads are probably a little bit of an advanced place to start. We would highly recommend starting with a complete trading foundation such as our Market Maestro Accelerator. But if you have a basic understanding of how stock options work, this course is designed to help people just like you trade Credit Spreads. So YES! of course you can do it!
Join the MAESTRO MEMBERSHIP to get access to the Credit Spreads Course - PLUS, enjoy all of the benefits of membership!
Weekly Trade Ideas, Live market analysis, Group Coaching, Access to Exclusive Courses, and more! Become a Maestro Member and get access to all of this!
What's in a Maestro Membership?

Regular Price: $300/month
Profit Picks (Sunday Nights)
Tune in Every Sunday Night as we look at the market, the week ahead and consider a handful of trades that we think may be great candidates for the week. PROFIT PICKS is your chance to get an edge before the week begins, confirm your own analysis, and get a few hot tips that will give you confidence you have the edge on other market participants.

Regular Price: $997/month
Market Mentor
Every membership includes the market mentoring program. Each month a new series of training is released that guides you through your trading journey. You will learn expert analysis so you can pick winning trades. You will learn specialized skills such as reading candlesticks and chart patterns. You will discover diverse strategies including short term & long term strategies, bullish and bearish, as well as basic and advanced option strategies. All of it is included over the next several months as you continue to progress on your journey.

Regular Price: $850/month
LIVE Group Coaching
Twice a month we host a LIVE GROUP COACHING session where you can attend a live webinar, ask any questions you want to ask, get a direct answer from the maestro. Not only will you benefit from getting your own questions answered but you will also learn from others as they ask questions and interact. This group participation has been proven to increase retention and understanding and is a valuable part of your growth process.
Pricing Plans
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Full Maestro Membership, pre-paid 6 months at a time. Save 10%!
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Full Maestro Membership,
Paid monthly.
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Full Maestro Membership, pre-paid 12 months at a time. Save 2 months!
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Yes. Trade Maestro has chosen to be a membership driven business model so that students can learn in the most affordable way possible. The membership will be here when you are ready to join. However, there are a limited number of new membership slots available. When these new memberships fill up they will no longer be available. If you want to be a new member and receive the included bonuses then you need to sign up immediately.
Perfect! Sometimes the brand new trader is the best trader because we do not have to "unlearn" a lot of bad habits from the past. A Trade Maestro membership is intended to help you grow and develop as a trader. The mentorship/apprentice program is designed specifically with YOU in mind! We suggest you enroll and participate in all of the live webinars/events as you can. And of course, membership includes priority email support so feel free to use it to ask any questions you may have! You can reach support by sending an email to help@trademaestro.com
YES! You have a Full 7 Days to try a Trade Maestro membership. If for any reason you decide it is not for you, simply send us an email to help@trademaestro.com and we will be happy to cancel and refund your money.
This is a great and fair question. The Chief Maestro (Jeremy Whaley) has been trading the stock market since 1999. Every year and every month of active trading yields different results based on market circumstances etc. For 2019 Jeremy's overall account growth was 52% for the year. For 2020 his overall account growth (YTD) is 186%. Jeremy uses the strategies and techniques he teaches, including the active use of stock options.
Okay, we are really sad to see you go. But it would make us more sad to know you were paying for something you did not enjoy. At any time you may request to cancel. You will continue to have membership access for any time remaining for your 30 day cycle, after which point your membership will revert to a basic/non-active status.
It's true, there is lots of free stuff on the internet about trading the stock market. And you could learn it there for free. But think about it this way: this is your trading account we're talking about! Do you really want to risk making decisions with your life savings based on free information? We have an incredible track record of both trading the stock market and also teaching others to do so as well. We have priced our memberships in such a way that anyone should be able to afford to take our training.
We understand. The vast majority of our training is recorded which allows you to watch the training on your own time line and schedule. Our Sunday Night Profit Picks needs to be live by the nature of the training. That session is always recorded and will be posted for later review (we typically keep an archive of 3-4 weeks available). Group coaching sessions and other live trainings will be recorded and posted for a reasonable amount of time as well. However please note: videos of LIVE TRAININGS will not be available indefinitely.
Great! We would be happy to help. Please start by sending an email to help@trademaestro.com. We will respond within 24 hours (perhaps longer on the weekends) and make every effort to answer any and all issues you may have.