The Freedom You Want, The Relationship You Want... The Retirement That You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By The Income You Create...

The Next "Pick Winning Stocks"

Challenge Starts MONDAY...

Next Challenge begins in...

  1  0
  1  9
  3  0
  1  3

This challenge has already begun but it may not be too late!  Please reach out to



What Does...

'Pick Winning Stocks'

Mean To You...?

FROM: Jeremy Whaley

WHERE: Nashville, Tennessee

What does 'Pick Winning Stocks' mean for you...?

For everyone it's different...

For some of you, you're in a job that you hate, and you're trying to get out. 

For others, you are trying to grow your retirement... but you're stuck getting horrible returns, and you're not sure why.

And for others of you, you're looking for that one financial decision that will allow you to have more impact on the world!

Before I share with you MY GOAL for this 'Pick Winning Stocks' challenge for YOU... let me ask you a few questions...

So, Here Is How The Challenge Works...

The challenge costs $100 to join. This covers your materials during the challenge (more info on this below).

With the Pick Winning Stocks Challenge, we could easily charge $1,000 for the full 21 day challenge... probably even $2,000, or more, but... 

All You Pay is $100!

Then In Exchange For That Tiny $100 Investment, You Get ALL Of This:

Total Value: $2,476

If you want to get your trades LIVE and start building your account, then this is the mission we're giving you...

You have 21 Days, starting TOMORROW...

Do YOU Accept?

Need More Information Before You Make Your Decision...?

Let Me Break Down All The Awesome Stuff You'll Get When You Join The Challenge Today!

The First Thing You'll Get Access To Is The...

'Pick Winning Stocks'


Led by Trainer Jeremy Whaley, this challenge is designed to help you consistently Identify and EXECUTE winning trades in just minutes a day...

Step #1

"The strategy"

Each day, you will receive a new module of videos from Jeremy, unlocked for you to watch in the Trade Maestro membership area. 

These videos will make up around 20-30 minutes of training each day, and will give you the strategies you need to master for each step you need for success.

When you're done you will have a simple system to identify winning trades in a matter of minutes, as well as applying the correct trading strategy and managing your risk.

Step #2

"The Coaching"

During the 21 day challenge you will have 2 individual 90-minute Group coaching sessions intended to give you direct access to Jeremy so that you can ask any questions you want

This coaching is the same process you would work through if you were doing private 1-on-1 coaching, but done in a group session. 

The extra bonus is the opportunity to learn from other's questions for the coach - it's one of the secrets to our success!!

Step #3


Not only do you get the daily training and the group coaching sessions...

You also get LIVE WEEKLY Profit Picks sessions on Sunday night. Here you can watch Jeremy walk through the analysis and trade selection process, complete with a trading plan for the week. 

You will also be getting the trade execution checklist to keep you on track with each trade as well as our list of Top 25 Stocks to Trade, so that you never have to wonder where you can find stocks to start watching!

Here Is Your Mission,

(Should You Choose To Accept This Challenge...)

Your Challenge Is To TAKE ACTION

And Complete The Tasks Given To You, 

Every Day For 21 Days

Yes, there will be some prep-work involved...

Yes, there will be homework...

But every day, you'll be taking steps towards improving and growing your trading account!

Our only question for you is...

"Do YOU Have What It Takes?"

By the time the challenge is over, you will be ready to pick stocks for your account that is LIVE!

Not only will we help you figure out what those stocks are, but by the end of the challenge you'll be able to look at any stock and KNOW if it's a trade worth taking (all on your own!)

And, you'll be able to repeat the process, week after week, analyzing and choosing stocks that have the highest probability to win.  

Jeremy is a deeply committed, compassionate and comprehensive teacher, mentor and coach. Simply stated: over the past 8 years he has had a major and positively significant impact on my life." 

Dr Kenn Maynard

Private Coaching Client

Jeremy has a real knack for making complex issues seem easy. His clarity of thought is inspiring and his enthusiasm is contagious. Jeremy is the greatest naturally gifted teacher I've ever encountered and I strongly recommend that anyone who wants to improve themself should follow his teachings religiously."

Len Barnes

Former Studnet

Get These AMAZING Bonuses...

When you Join The "Pick Winning Stocks" Challenge Today...

In more than a decade of teaching people how the market works I'm amazed, people still ask the same question...

"But What Stock Should I Trade...?"

Sure the Pick Winning Stocks challenge will transform your ability to pick a stock and know that it has a high probability of going up. 

But, Are Some Stocks Better Than Others?

The answer is YES, and that is exactly what this list of Top 25 Stocks is comprised of. 

These stocks fit a certain criteria, they offer great volatility, offer great options trading opportunity, and overall they are just great to trade! 

If you're new to trading (or struggling to keep your account moving up), you can stop wading through the nearly 4000 stocks available and instead start here...

This list will give you plenty of trades to keep you busy for a whole year!

They say two emotions drive the stock market: Fear & Greed.

We can argue whether or not this statement is actually true, but one thing we know for certain is FEAR is the root of some of the biggest mistakes made by traders.

For traders, FEAR ends up looking a lot like paralysis. 

The problem with being stuck is we don't make decisions, and when we don't make decisions bad things happen. 

That's why the Pick Winning Stocks challenge includes an EXECUTION CHECKLIST that you can walk through for every trade. 

Much like a pilot flying a plane, simply follow the checklist to make sure you are not forgetting any of the critical steps of the trade. 

These Bonus Are ALL Inside The Pick Winning Stocks Challenge...

They Say

Stephen McManus

Retired CPA

"I enjoy Jeremy's open and welcoming personality. He treats every question from students as important and urgent. If he cannot answer a question immediately he will give you the answer within a day."

Marlene Noll

Interior Plant Designer

"Jeremy you are such a wonderful teacher! I have learned a lot throughout the years and yet, a lot more to learn. Keep up with the great attitude and energy that you transmit to your students.

Thank you!"

The Pick Winning Stocks Challenge is DIFFERENT!

The Pick Winning Stocks Challenge is NOT just some "course" that you'll never use...

It combines the right trading KNOWLEDGE...

With the SHOVE you need to EXECUTE your trades...

And a "no-excuses" ACCOUNTABILITY from a coach who cares and is supportive, while making sure you learn what you need to learn. 

That's the biggest challenge in getting your trades rolling... 

It's almost NEVER a lack of knowledge that's the problem...

It's A Lack Of EXECUTION...

(or, not executing the right way).

As you can probable see, getting access to the 'Pick Winning Stocks' Challenge is like having me as your own personal trading coach! 

The only different is that you couldn't buy a 1 hr consultation with me for $100. 

In fact, right now the CHEAPEST you can hire me to "pick my brain" is $5,000!

So, to get 21 days, with all this training, plus the LIVE Group sessions where you can ask anything, and the LIVE Sunday Night Profit Picks... all of that for just $100 is crazy!

Yet, you get everything we talked about above FREE when you join the 'Pick Winning Stocks' challenge today!

So, are you excited yet!?! If so, then NOW is the time to take action!

This Challenge Is NOT For Everyone!

If you want to watch every day of the challenge, and say "Thanks, Jeremy! That was some great info!"

...but never actually do anything with it, that's entirely up to you. 

(But chances are, nothing will actually change in your trading... If that's what you want to do, then this challenge is probably not for you).


If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do just a little bit of work for 21 days...

If you want to be train daily by Jeremy Whaley, and have him PULL you in the right direction...

If you need a good hard PUSH from a coach who will hold you accountable, and make sure that you get these tasks DONE (no excuses)...

Then we invite you to accept the 'Pick Winning Stocks' Challenge, actually have a proven trading system you can replicate, and start creating momentum in your trading account!  

Why Time Is of The Essence...

The Next Challenge is Starting VERY SOON!!

If this page is open, it means that the challenge is still open for registrations, but it will be closing down soon. 

And if you're wondering... well, can't I just take the challenge next time it opens up?

Well, the answer is MAYBE...

I'm not sure if or when the next challenge will be...

But, more importantly, what about the trades you could have made that you will not be able to make, or what about bad trades you will make that you could have avoided making, because you waited to learn how to Pick Winning Stocks?

There is an old Chinese proverb that says, "the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago... but the second best time, is NOW."

NOW is the best time for ou to take the 'Pick Winning Stocks' challenge.

Is There A Guarantee?

Of course... :)

I guarantee that if you participate in the challenge, watch the daily videos, show up to the group coaching sessions, show up for the weekly Profit Picks sessions, implement what you learn, by the time the challenge is done, you will have the ability to look at any stock, even if you have never traded it, and in just a few minutes do a complete analysis with a forecast for the highest probability of which direction that stock will be moving over the next few days. 

If for some reason you do not feel like that is true, then you can email our support team within 21 days and receive a full refund of $100

Pretty simple. 

But if you're like most people, this experience will change your trading (and for some of you, it'll change your life!).

Here's What To Do Next...

From here it's just finalizing the details. Click on the button below and create your account, then we can finally get started! 

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and watching the video and I look forward to hearing your success story at the end of the challenge!

Jeremy Whaley

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal: 

When you join the "Pick Winning Stocks" challenge today (for just $100) I'm going to give you the Top 25 Stocks to Trade, the Execution Checklist, Account Allocation Plan, and almost $2500 additional value...

PLUS, you'll get a full 21 day experience where you work with myself to pick and identify winning trades and totally transform your connection with the market!

Oh, and if for some crazy reason you don't love the challenge - Email us and we'll refund your $100.

Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for!?!  Join the "Pick Winning Stocks" challenge today!

Here's a Recap Of


When You Accept The 'Pick Winning Stocks Challenge Today!

Total Value: $2,476

If you want to get your trades LIVE and start building your account, then this is the mission we're giving you...

You have 21 Days, starting March 1...

Do YOU Accept?

They Say

Stephen McManus

Retired CPA

"I enjoy Jeremy's open and welcoming personality. He treats every question from students as important and urgent. If he cannot answer a question immediately he will give you the answer within a day."

Marlene Noll

Interior Plant Designer

"Jeremy you are such a wonderful teacher! I have learned a lot throughout the years and yet, a lot more to learn. Keep up with the great attitude and energy that you transmit to your students.

Thank you!"