In this video we look at a super powerful technique that BEATS the S&P 500 by 3X!

The S&P 500 is the perennial benchmark that most market experts measure results against, and matching it is as simple as trading an S&P index ETF like SPY, but what about BEATING the S&P 500?  Is that as simple?

It can be by using leveraged ETFs such as SPXL. This fund will track SPY but seeks to return a 3X result.  Now in fairness, this can also work against you, but when following the simple trend system laid out in this video, over time your results will start to stack up.  

Check it out, understand it, and let me know if you have any questions! 


In this video we will discuss the following:

• Part 1:  Trade SPXL

• Part 2: Avoid devastating drawdowns

• Follow the Moving Average System

• Only trade Bullish swings

Resources Mentioned In This Video:


Transcript: (auto-generated, not edited for mistakes)

hey if you've been investing very much

at all you certainly know everybody

wants to match and beat the market

that's the that's the standard right how

can I beat the market what if I could

show you a way that you can beat the

market by a factor of three that's what

we're going to look at in this video





hey everybody it's Jeremy Whaley here from

Trade Maestro you can check us out over

at Trad Trad and

of course if you haven't liked and

subscribed to the channel then please do

so in this video what I want to do is I

want to share with you how you can beat

the S&P 500 using a simple ETF strategy

that does three times better how does

that sound to you well if it was that

simple wouldn't everybody do it well one

would think everybody would do it but of

course you've heard me share the

statistics of how bad the so-called

professional fund managers are 95% of

them cannot even match the S&P much less

Beat It by a factor three so I'm going

to show you how to do that in this video

now to get started there are two parts

of this process the first process is we

got to do better than the S&P 500 that's

the first step and that's pretty easy to

do um I've done another video which show

shows you how to beat the S&P every time

and so I'll try to remember to link that

up here and uh you can click over and

watch that one this one's a little bit

different cuz I'm going to show you how

to beat it by a factor three and I'll

show you a special technique for that

but then part two of this is how to

avoid the painful draw down and that is

the bare market so before I go any

further let me talk about that for a

minute one of the biggest problems that

people have in the market is not

actually trading the market and making

money but rather it's avoiding

the pain avoid the draw down that's

what's going to happen in a bare market

so let's say that the market let's say

you had $100,000 and you um you rode the

market up and it was now worth 130 and

then we had a bare market and your

130,000 became worth

115 that 15,000 difference between 130

and 115 that's called Draw down okay and

so how can we avoid that how can we not

have all this massive draw down which

hurts people so bad and just to put it

in perspective in 2020 2 for example the

beginning of 2022 we got into a bare

market and the S&P 500 over the next

several months it was about eight8 or9

months um it was down 25% so that means

if you had $100,000 that $100,000 went

down to 75,000 okay that's painful okay

how can we avoid that and then the worst

part is it took all of 2022 and all the

way through 2023 just to get back to

break even so if you look at that as a

cross-section let's say you had been

investing maybe since 2020 and maybe you

started investing right after the

pandemic when things were really cheap

you had all this profit now you get to

the beginning of 2022 it takes a 25% hit

and it takes another year just to get

back to break even how could we avoid

that okay that is what I'm talking about

when I say avoid the pain avoid the big

draw downs and if you can avoid that

that in and of itself is going to put

you ahead of the vast majority of

Traders because what most people do is

they just to use aose term they huddle

they hold on for dear life and that's

even though people say to do it it's not

actually a really good investment

strategy um a lot of people do it and

they kind of slowly get rewarded for it

so they keep doing it but it's really

not a good plan and I'm going to show

you a much better method for it so um

that's the first part here is do better

than the S&P 500 second part is to avoid

those painful draw downs and I'm going

to show you a technique to do that so

first part let's do the first thing and

that is to beat the S&P 500 by a factor

of three you're going to use ticker


spxl spxl now what is spxl spxl is an

exchange traded fund that trades the S&P

500 with a 3X leverage that's it it's

the S&P

500times 3 so what that means is when

the market goes up spxl is going to go

up three times okay by a factor of three

it's a 3x leveraged fund so if the let's

say the S&P goes up 10% spxl is going to

be up 30% kaching so compare that if you

invest in spy which is just the regular

spy for um for the S&P 500 if you invest

in that say you had $100,000 and it went

up to 110 well that same $100,000 put

into spxl would go up to1 130,000 that

is fantastic so let's stop there

remember this is only step one but let

me take you over to our charts and I

will show you what spxl looks like so

I'm going to pull that up for us here

spxl and there it is that is the S&P 500

3x okay now let me just kind of show you

I'm going to see if I can do a

comparison here uh I always forget when

I'm recording these videos to get these

set up just perfect before I start so

then I have to do them like in the video

which a little awkward but that's all

right okay so what you see across the

bottom is you see SPX that's actually

the um S&P 500 Index what I want to

do let's get those kind of lined up

there okay that's pretty much lined up

what I want to do is I want to change

this bottom ticker from SPX I want to

change it to spy because this is the 1X

fund that trades the um S&P 500 and what

you're going to see is you're going to

see that we pretty much have the same

dips in the the same valleys it all

looks the same okay except for the

percentage so let's do a little bit of

math here and this is going to get

awkward because nobody likes well some

of you like to do math I don't like to

do math but let's just do a little bit

of math and let's go from the

um we're going to go from right here and

the reason I'm going to say this right

here is because come on pen work for me

okay what is going on

there we go right here uh that's about

440 on spy okay so we'll just write that

in there so we have that as a

reference and the reason I'm using that

particular trigger is because that's

where we would have taken the trade um

if you've watched my videos on how to

know when to get into the trade this is

exactly where we would get in so there

you go that's why I'm going to set that

as the entry in fact I'll show you that

here later in this video all right so

let's come back here um for spxl that

price point becomes about

$83 okay now here's where the cool part

comes you

ready right now as I'm recording this

video Spy is at

47484 almost



spxl is at 104 53 so I we'll just say

104 we'll round it okay now do a little

bit quick math here here's how this goes

we're going to pull up our trusty old

calculator because listen in case you

don't know you do not need to be an

expert at math to trade the market

effectively I have a music degree that's

right I am not even a trained

mathematician I pretty much suck at math

which is why I use my calculator all

right so here we go oh no I didn't mean

to do that one forgive me for that one

that's just an extra line on the chart

that we don't need Okay so let's do some

math here um

104 minus 83 so 104 was our current

price 83 is where we started that is

$21 per share in profit $21 per share if

we look down here it's $474 since I

rounded the top one down I'll round this

one down too 474 minus

440 and that should be 34 in profit now

I know what you're thinking you're

thinking H $34 a share is a lot more

well it's not really but I'll show you

I'm going to show you okay now to put

this in in a couple of perspectives

um let's start here remember let's

assume we'll just assume a $100,000

trading account it could be 10,000 it

could be 5,000 could be a thousand

doesn't matter we're going to assume

$100,000 okay so let's say that we had


okay divided by our our stock price

which is

$83 so we can buy

1248 shares so we'll go 1,4 shares okay

now down

here we have the same

$100,000 one two okay got it and then

this entry price was 440 so that's only


227 so we're common sizing this so now

what you're going to get is you're going

to get

227 shares time 34 as opposed to 124

shares time 21 so you can see already

this is going to be worth a lot more

right so let's see how much actual

profit we got here okay so let's go back

um 227 shares times our $34 per share

profit and definitely got to use a

calculator for that 227 time

34 is $

7,718 not bad now remember we started

with $ 100,000 so

7 I can actually do this in my head but

we'll put it here

7,718 divided by

100,000 going to put a k there means you


a the way you do that is you do 77 18


100,000 it's going to be

77% okay so that's

7.7% Roi in about a month not bad really

fantastic frankly all right now let's

see what happens at the top here we had

124 time $21 a

share and if you did the math on that

which we're going to do

1204 *

21 is what

2,284 20

$25,000 in profit if you had 100,000 you

started with that equals a



25.2% in the

same the exact same time frame you

tracking with me okay I just did all the

math you can rewind it you can go back

and look at it it's all right there spxl

because the way it's designed every time

it's going to 3x it's going to go 3x

what the Spy will

do might drop we'll stop right there

right no I can't I can't and here's why

I can't stop right here because number

one there's more to the system but

number two if you just take what I just

taught you you're going to be devastated

eventually and the reason is not cuz

what I taught you is wrong cuz what I

taught you is 100% right but the reason

is because most people are really really

careless with their

trading what most people do let me talk

to you about this before I get into this

what most people do is they buy and they

hold and they keep holding and they keep

holding and if you do that with

spxl you're going to get really sick at

your stomach on the up swings you'll

have huge profits on the down swings

you're going to be puking your guts out

because it's it's a roller coaster that

nobody wants to endure so how do you

avoid the roller coaster well before I

tell you that let me tell you this you

need to avoid the roller coaster okay

traditional financial planners they tell

you to just buy and hold and keep adding

every time that dips down just add to it

that is terrible wisdom what it does is

it makes for a lot of anxiety makes

people freak out and you never actually

take your profit off the table uh I

don't have time to go all the way

through this but I'm going to show you a

little bit right now I'm going show you

the system for getting out of this so

that you do not end up

seasick while you're trading seasick can

you be seasick while you trade all right

here's step two follow the moving

average system now I've taught this in

many videos it's the core of the

training system that I teach over at

trade mestro I did a video recently on

how to beat the S&P and I taught this

system I'm going to share it with you

right now and here's how it goes you're

going to come over to your

chart and you're going to notice that

these lines that I have on here which

are called moving averages most of you

are familiar with them every once in a

while they turn green you see how it's


here it's green here remember earlier I

said we're going to get in about right

here about $83 remember that why well

because if you look at the price of the

stock it was above these moving averages

and the averages turned green there

that's where they turned green so that

was your Buy

Signal okay now Buy Signal sign are easy

buy signals are super super easy

everybody understands how they work

nobody has a problem with it well people

have a problem with is they never want

to sell so they never protect themselves

in the event of that 25% draw down so

let's show you how to do that okay so we

had a Buy Signal back here in April

there was your Buy Signal at that time

uh spxl was around

69 let's say you got in at 70 okay so

you got in at $70 now you stayed in this

trade all the way through until it

turned red right

there that's an exit of

$88 okay so you get out when it turns

red how easy is that when it turns red

you get out turns green you get in when

it turns red you get out okay now there

was a brief moment and see I like to

really try to disclose everything I'm

not one of these people that tries to

sugar coat it and say oh look this

trade's always good it's not always good

let me just show you right here a couple

of days later I'm going to change this

to um yellow okay couple days later you

had another Buy Signal and then an exit

signal right here and you would have

actually lost a little bit of money here

not a lot but you would have gotten back

in around maybe 92 and you would have

gotten back out around maybe 89 so you

would have lost about a dollar or two

maybe $3 per share but what you avoided

in doing that was this draw down where

spxl came all the way down here to $68 a

share now just to put that in

perspective that move from 89 to 62 uh

to sorry to uh did I say 62 69 I don't

know what I said I I had 62 in my head

but from 89 to 69 was $20 uh it's about

20% with spxl nobody wants to survive a

20% draw down okay it only took a couple

months but still nobody wants to hold

through that and inevitably what's going

to happen is if you don't learn this

technique of getting out when you need

to you'll end up selling here or your

sell down here at the bottom you sell

when it's really painful and then you

don't have the courage to get back in

when you need to have the courage you

back in okay so that's why I teach

people when it's green you buy when it's

red you get out and you avoid the pain

and sometimes you'll have a what we call

a whip saw where you get in you get out

and you you lose a little bit but you

don't lose a lot you can sustain a

dollar or two per share that's not P bad

okay but sustaining $20 a share that's

bad and you don't want to have to put up

with that okay so next you get back in

when uh it turns green

again and that's the system right there

so part two of the system is really

simple when the market is bullish when

spxl is bullish that is you got the

green light moving averages are all

moving up when when you green you have

the green light Market's bullish you buy

spxl when the Market's not bullish when

it's either bearish or stuck and it's

starting to go down a little bit you get

out you get out and that way you avoid

the draw down now there's another

benefit to doing this okay you've all

heard people talk about dollar cost

averaging and and um you know adding

more to your positions and whatnot it

only works if you sell it only works if

you actually take your profit so let's

do that for this example here let's say

that when we got into this trade at 70

we took our profit at 88 okay had we

done that 88 minus 70 is $118 per share

okay well $18 let's go back and let's

let's pull up our calculator and do the

same math that we did just a minute ago

$100,000 it's 10,000 we need one more

zero um we had start at 70 okay so that

would have been

1428 shares okay so we did 1428 shares

times $18 per share profit that means

during that time we made $25,000 1428

I'll going write this up here so we see

it okay because some of you going to

want to rewind this and watch this, 1428

shares during this move right here is

$25,000 in profit

2574 to be exact okay now stop right now

now let's just stop the video stop it


25% okay how many of you made 25% in

your portfolio in 2023 because that was

only 6 months of 2023 right there it's

25% easy okay that's not day trading

that's buying and holding it until the

signal says get out just buying and

holding it for about uh April May June

July August so five

months okay you can do that 25% in 5

months then we avoid the 20% pain but

then Watch What Happens because our

account has gone up from 100,000 to


now instead of being 100,000 we got


and we can by,

1591 shares did you see what just

happened we're scaling this thing up now

you ride that all the way through where

this chart ends we'll say it's at 104

okay 159 104 minus our entry price is

79 and that was

25 and we multiply that times

1591 and that's 39,000

39,7 se5 now this is two trades over the

course of the year now that's not that's

not overall that's two trades folks two

separate trades you made 25,000 on one

you made 39,000 on the second so let's

just add the

25704 so that's

$65,000 most people did not make $65,000

in their trading accounts in 2023 but

here with just two trades with spxl not

only did you beat the market not only

did you outperform the S&P by more than

a factor of three you made

$65,000 on a $100,000 account that's a

65% Roi now I'm realizing as I'm talking

through this that I actually

inadvertently made a shift my first

examples for the right side of this

chart over here I said what if we got

back in at 80 I think it was

83 and then my second example I

accidentally did it 79 um the actual

entry should have been somewhere between

82 and 83 so forgive me but at least you

capture the idea here um I'll just redo

the math for you here let's say we got

an 83 um we need

12574 sorry this video is probably

dragging now because I'm doing all this

math but one of you is going to catch me

on it okay divid by 83 so we could have

actually done 1514 so 1514 shares


um whatever that profit was now I forgot

that so 104 minus 83 NOP not divided

sorry 104 minus 83 there you go so that

would have been $21 profit times 15 14

shares still $31,000 okay so I'm only

doing that just so you can see that I'm

not trying to hide anything I'm not

trying to pad the numbers I want you to

truly see strategically what you can do

here and that's pretty much it now is

there some distinctions for getting in

and some distinctions for getting out

yeah there are um are there some other

money management tools that you probably

want to implement

absolutely but what you have here is you

see what's possible what's possible is

by simply using an easy ETF like spxl

you can not only beat the market but you

can far outperform it and by simply um

using this technique with the moving

average where you get in when it turns

green you get out when it turns

red you can absolutely destroy the

market let's just put it that way you

can destroy the market you can do what

the so-called professionals can ever do

okay now some of you inevitably are

going to ask me about what that

indicator is this is a custom coding

that we have for a trading view um a

series of moving averages that we use in

trading View and if you come to trade

Maestro I'll be happy to share those

with you um so when you sign up as an

inter circle member or anything else I'm

happy to give it to you along with my

trading view training so you know

exactly how to do that but that's not

the purpose of me being here the purpose

of me being here is to show you what you

can do and now you understand it so I'll

recap it for you really fast because

this drug a little bit longer than I

meant for it to trade spxl that's going

to beat the S&P by a factor of three and

then use um the moving average system

when it turns green you buy when it

turns red you get

out that will prevent the massive draw

down and if you just do that folks

you're going to do it you can absolutely

not just beat the market but you can far

outperform okay I hope this has been

helpful for you if you want to learn

more about this this is just one of the

many techniques that you can use with

exchange traded funds and I've taught a

lot of it in this free 3-day challenge

called raging profits with ETFs raging

profits with ETFs if you have not taken

that three-day challenge I highly

encourage you to do so because number

one it's free and number two you're

going to learn a whole lot of stuff so

um you can get there below this video

there should be a link or somewhere next

to the video you can go over to tradem and you can find it somewhere

over there as well if nothing else click

on the free stuff Tab and you can find

it over at Trad and I would

look forward to and love the opportunity

to help you learn some more about ETFs

all right if you haven't liked and

subscribed so far then please like And

subscribe it really helps the algorithm

and it really helps us out a whole lot

or if you're over on Facebook or another

platform then hit the follow button or

whatever it is that you need to hit so

that you can uh help us if you got any

value out of this even if it was just

the fact that you want to make fun of me

for something that was valuable right

you can yeah brought value to your life

or if you got some real value out of it

and you see what you can do in the

market then for sure subscribe so you

can get all the updates all right until

next time happy trading to all of you

and we'll talk to you



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