Top Stocks for 2021
This article is a more lengthy/complete version of the original 25 Top Stocks for 2021 article which can be found here.
This particular article offers INTERACTIVE CHARTS for each of the tickers discussed.
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The Top Stocks Criteria is as follows:
- Average daily volume tends to stay well over 1M shares/day
- The stocks are optionable
- The at the money options consistently offer good Open Interest/liquidity
- These stocks do not tend to stagnate too much (they offer good volatility up and/or down)
Trade Maestro TOP 25 STOCKS FOR 2021
(The following are presented in alphabetical order and do not represent any particular ranking)
1. AAPL - Apple Computer
AAPL is a bell weather - a stock and company that has continued to reflect innovation year after year. Currently AAPL has the highest market cap of any publicly traded company at over $2 Trillion! (yes trillion with a T). They have enough cash they could buy up several of this historical blue chip companies and still have cash to work with!
2020 was a solid year for AAPL which did a 4:1 stock split over the summer. The net result is a price that is once again fairly affordable for most traders.
2. AXP - American Express
"American Express, don't leave home without it!" At least that's what the old commercial used to say. AXP has been an excellent stock to trade with typical volatility swings of 40-50% or more. Both bullish and bearish opportunities abound with this trade.
Currently trading in the $130 range, both options traders and stock traders will find this to be a friendly ticker.
3. CAT - Caterpiller
CAT makes those big yellow trucks and machines that we use to dig big holes in the ground to build stuff - you know, every little boy's dream!
It's also an incredibly awesome stock to trade for the dad's. The typical up and down swings of this stock tend to range from 20-30% or more. Most recently since the spring of 2020 the stock has more than doubled making this a fun trade for all.
4. DIS - Disney
Nothing says happy childhood like Disney. The magical world has been pleasing young audiences for decades. And it also pleases traders and investors.
DIS holds some of the biggest entertainment rights in the world. And with their recent release of the Disney streaming service they now enter the financial world of subscription revenue, which as NFLX has proven, is like cash flow gold.
5. EXC - Exelon
When we think of stocks with good volatility we don't typically think about a utility company. But EXC provides a nice diversion from that typical static expectation.
Typical swings on EXC represent 20-30% price moves which provide very decent trading opportunities. It's also options friendly and priced reasonably enough to provide opportunities for both options and stock traders.